Last night some of the Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services (GCB) crew attended #OverdoseAwareness night at Great American Ballpark to help kick off #RecoveryMonth which is commemorated every September. The team brought clients, family, and friends to honor those lives lost to overdoses as well as celebrate those who are in recovery.

The #CincinnatiReds honored #GCBHS with the night's first pitch, which was thrown and caught by clients "Earl" and "Abby" respectively. Many GCB staffers wore their #RecoveryIsPossible t-shirts and were thrilled when our section ended up on the big screen during the game.

Before the game we set up in the Fan Zone by right field and passed out Recovery is Possible ribbons and bracelets. We will be passing those out in support of recovery throughout the month of September. Be sure to keep an eye out for where we'll be by checking out our latest news on our website or following us on social media.