Programs & Services
Each day, we connect with people who are struggling to be well, both in mind and body. We work with them in our multiple office locations and residential facilities, as well as in the community—whether that be on street corners, in workplaces, or in their homes.
We go wherever we’re needed to help people with mental illness, addiction, and related challenges.
View the GCBHS New Client Welcome Packet HERE, which includes a full explanation of Client Rights policies.

Comprehensive Mental Health, Psychiatric, Addiction, and Related Services
We work with individuals and families, adults and children, and people with conditions both chronic and acute. We’ve taken a holistic approach, creating programs that help our clients all the way around.
GCBHS is about helping the whole person. Through our services, we educate our clients about mental illness and addiction, teach them strategies to manage symptoms and medication, empower them to develop natural social supports, work with them to obtain and maintain employment, and encourage them to become naturally involved in their community.
Every program is an extension of the GCBHS mission: To ensure people with mental illness, addictions, and related challenges lead healthy and productive lives.
PLEASE NOTE: Not all services are available at all locations. Please call ahead to determine availability.