International Overdose Awareness Day is August 31st. To bring awareness to this global problem #GCBHS will be attending multiple events this weekend throughout Greater Cincinnati. Join us as we bring attention to the overdose crisis facing our communities.
On Friday, August 26th, GCBHS substance use disorder (SUD) staff will attend an Overdose Awareness event sponsored by the Addiction Services Council. This second annual event will take place at 2828 Vernon Place from 4 - 7 pm. Cincinnati Mayor Aftab Pureval will be in attendance and there will be family friendly fun including a petting zoo, bouncy houses, face painting, free food and games and SO MUCH MORE!

On Sunday, August 28th our Clermont County Peer Support and Prevention teams will be at the Eastgate Walmart from 12 - 3 pm along with the Union Township Fire Department, Coalition for a Drug Free Clermont County, and Clermont County Public Health. We will do Narcan trainings, pass out Deterra drug deactivation bags, and have some fun giveaways, including a drawing for a $50 Amazon gift card!
If you’re downtown on Sunday stop by and see our Hamilton County SUD team on Fountain Square from 11 am - 1 pm for the Annual Overdose Awareness Rally. We'll be passing out recovery bracelets and ribbons for you to wear throughout Recovery Month (September).

And on Overdose Awareness Day, Wednesday, August 31st, we will remember those who have passed and celebrate that #RecoveryIsPossible at the Cincinnati Reds game. Join us as representatives from #GCBHS throw out the first pitch. You can also get your Recovery bracelets and ribbons in the Fan Zone before and during the game. Game time is 6:40 pm. For ticket information go to: