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Narcan Trainings Available Through GCBHS


News about the increase of Fentanyl in our community is alarming and scary - especially for parents. Teens experimenting for the first time could end up overdosing. That is why the importance of having Narcan and knowing the proper way to administer it, is imperative for our community.

Clermont County Mental Health & Recovery Board Executive Director Dr. Lee Ann Watson, “Since the pandemic started there has been an increase in the number of fatalities due to overdoses – not only in Clermont County but nationwide. The Ohio Department of Health has launched an “OHIO Against OD” campaign to get the word out that having Narcan and knowing how to use it can save the life of someone you love. This is particularly important now, since Fentanyl is showing up in counterfeit pills throughout Southwest Ohio. These counterfeit pills look like real prescription pills that might be found in someone’s medicine cabinet, leading many, particularly teens, to believe that they are safe to experiment with. Fentanyl is also showing up in marijuana edibles. More and more teens have been overdosing and dying because of what they believe to be safe experimenting. While experimenting with any drug is not safe, and it is important to encourage our children to be drug free, it is still vital that we equip our youth with Narcan to assure that they do not make a deadly mistake. Narcan is a safe and free tool that can save lives."

To prepare businesses, community groups, and the general public, #GCBHS offers free Narcan trainings in both Hamilton and Clermont counties. Those who go through the 25 minute training are given information on how Narcan works, are shown the proper way to administer it, and are given a free kit to take with them.

GCBHS Peer Recovery staff member Kristy Mudd says that some people consider Narcan controversial but she knows first hand how important it is to saving lives, "When I meet people who are skeptical I want to share my story with them. If people had given up on me and said, 'If she overdoses, it's her own fault,' I wouldn't be here today helping other people get into recovery. I've been clean and sober for almost 9 years and I shudder to think what my life would have been like if there weren't organizations like GCB to help the community deal with these very real problems."

If your business or organization would like to schedule a Narcan training contact Matt Mueller in Hamilton County at: or call 513.354.1343. In Clermont contact Kameron Meredith at or call 513.850.7144.

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