GCBHS would like to invite you to consider a planned gift to help further our work for generations to come. Your charitable gift, no matter how big or how small, will help ensure that GCBHS continues to provide life-changing services to the people with mental illness in our community.
There are a number of ways to make a planned gift.
You may consider making a bequest to GCBHS in your will. Your bequest could be a specific amount of cash, specific property, a percentage of your estate, or the residue of your estate.
You may also consider other gift vehicles, such as life insurance policies, charitable gift annuities or trusts, and other retirement assets.
Your planned gift can be designated to a particular program at GCBHS, or could be a tribute or memorial gift in honor of a loved one. You could also designate your gift to the GCBHS Endowment Fund.

There are a number of opportunities for generous benefactors to have their name (or one that they would designate) connected in perpetuity, with a wide variety of cornerstones which will provide the foundation for GCBHS' future. We would also respect your decision to remain anonymous.
For more information about charitable gift planning, please contact Ron Cropper, Director of Development,
at (513) 354-7054 or email rcropper@gcbhs.com.
GCB is a nonprofit, charitable organization under IRS 501 (c)(3).