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The 13th Annual Champions of Hope

May 6, 2019

Goal to improve health outcomes by building on existing relationships

Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services hosted its 13th annual Champions of Hope gala at Jack Casino on April 5th. The event, which included a silent auction and dinner, raised over $152,000 for GCB programs that serve people affected by mental illness and addiction.

The evening’s event honored Judge Lisa Allen, who presides over the Mental Health Court. Judge Allen was recognized for her support of the program and the clients it serves. She works with others in the mental health field (including GCB staff) to help people get their lives together.

Also recognized were some of our Employment Program’s community partners – The Kroger Company and Fifth Third Bank. One of the highlights of the evening was when a member of GCB’s Quick Response Team shared her personal story. QRT team member Kristy spoke about her own addiction problem and the path of hope that led her to sobriety and wanting to help others who are struggling with addiction.

To see additional photos from COH 2019, check out our Facebook page!
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