GCBHS Earns Three-Year CARF Accreditation
May 6, 2020
CARF International has awarded re-accreditation to GCBHS for its programs in Mental Health, Child & Family Services, Addiction Services, and Employment. CARF accreditation means we are aspiring to standards above and beyond the federal, state and local laws that govern our work. GCBHS is proud that is has been CARF accredited for over 40 years.
The CARF process included a 3-day review of our sites and programs. The team of six CARF surveyors examined files and interviewed staff and the people The CARF process included a 3-day review of our sites and programs. The team of six CARF surveyors examined files and interviewed staff and the people
we serve. They rated our conformance to over 2500 accreditation standards. These standards identify “best practices” for everything from clinical processes and programs, to Finance and Human Resources.
GCBHS was singled out by the surveyors for positive interactions with clients who reported that they could trust staff to keep their word, maintain confidentiality, and treat them with respect. The surveyors commented that this was unusual to hear from clients whose experiences have taught them not to trust anyone in authority. Clients expressed how much their lives had changed because GCBHS staff searched every means possible to individualize their care and helped secure a smooth transition when services were no longer essential.
GCBHS staff were also recognized for their level of caring and competence throughout the organization. Interviews with persons served indicated quality services going above and beyond expectations.